Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Value in a Broker

So you have decided to put your property on the market, but not sure if you want to retain the services of a broker. What a real estate broker can bring to the table is incomparable to what the average home or property owner can do.

You should know that you're relationship with a real estate broker, a lawyer, a accountant or even a doctor is very similar, You're broker is someone you have a relationship with, someone that you trust and in some cases even form a friendship.

Real Estate Brokers work real hard, they solely work on commission based, which means no salary, no health insurance, pay there own taxes, and all expenses that goes into marketing your property, They spend hours on the phone talking to potential buyers, they place numerous ads in various publications, work on huge web based advertising campaigns everything from posting on numerous multiple listing services (mls) to emailing the 22,000 other real estate brokers that are in this city, they invest money and time in stuffing envelopes, making postcards and sending thousands of these snail mail materials to potential buyers., They work from dusk to dawn pushing and trying to sell your property, a real estate broker works all hours 7 days a week, sometimes as late as midnight just trying to close a deal for you, (the client). There objective getting you the highest value for your property. They work in liaison between lawyers, other brokers, management companies as well as the buyer and seller. They draw up or just review countless documents, put building packages together, It really never ends.

So when picking a broker consider all the things I just mentioned, make sure you have a good rapport with them, and good luck in selling or purchasing your property.

And Remember

The Finest Compliment a Broker can ever recieve is a referral from a friend and a customer.


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